Spotify Wellness Week

In March 2020, just like the millions of businesses around the world, we closed all of Spotify’s offices overnight due to the spread of COVID-19, and asked all of our band members to work from home. 

Not in our wildest dreams could we have ever imagined that the pandemic would still be going on one and a half years later. The pandemic is not over, and we are aware of the toll this situation has taken on our mental health. 

We are so proud of our employees and their resilience while working hard and living through this pandemic. That’s why we’ve decided to close the Spotify offices for a week from today – so that each and every one of our employees can put some extra focus on their own wellness. 

Of course an extra week off will not ‘fix’ underlying problems in mental health, and it can not be a magic potion to combat everything that we have been through in the last eighteen (plus) months, but our aim is that this recharge week can be of some benefit. 

We hope that all our employees will enjoy this additional time off to recharge, and that they return from this break revitalised and filled with energy. And we hope other organisations around the world continue to put the health, safety and well-being of their workforce at the forefront of their People Strategies. After all, what is our greatest asset? Yes – it’s our people.

#stayactive, #staystrong, #stayhealthy

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